Tag: PilotOS

Controlling features of the ARM1176jzf-s (Raspberry Pi)

This article is about the Raspberry Pis Processor, the ARM1176jzf-s. It is a 32 Bit ARM-processor, with ARMv6-architecture. It has a VFPv2 Floating Point Unit, can run Java Bytecode natively (Jazelle), can run Thumb(1) code, can use both little and big endian-data, has an MMU and many things...

Porting Micropython to the Raspberry Pi - Part 2

In a previous post [1] I commented on how to port the Micropython Interpreter to the Rasperry Pi. There I went over the basics of porting Micropython to a new hardware and showed some ways on how to configure your port. This post builds upon that foundation and uses the Micropython which did...

PiOS: ARM Timer and Interrupts

For quite some time I've been working on a prototypic operating system, PiOS (previously PilotOS) [1]. I've been writing articles earlier about processes [2][3] and I want to discuss the current state here. Additional to a rewrite of most of the code, so removing the assembler-code and...

PiOS: ARM Timer und Interrupts

Seit einiger Zeit arbeite ich an einem prototypischem Betriebssystem, PiOS ("früher" PilotOS) [1]. Ich habe früher schon einige Artikel über Prozesse [2][3] geschrieben und will nun hier den aktuellen Stand diskutieren. Neben einem Rewrite des Codes, also entfernen quasi aller...

PilotOS: Processes

PilotOS [1] aims to become a simple operating system for the Raspberry Pi. I use it mainly to learn the ins and outs of operating system development, starting with simple functionality all the way to operating system architecture. In no way is PilotOS meant to be a usable operating system of...

PilotOS: Prozesse

PilotOS [1] soll ein einfaches Betriebssystem für den Raspberry Pi werden. Der Sinn hinter dem Betriebssystem ist hauptsächlich der Wissenszuwachs für mich, und die Einblicke in die Entwicklung von Betriebssystem, angefangen von einfachen Funktionalitäten, bis hin zur...